Chevrolet Spark manuals

Mazda CX-5 Service & Repair Manual: Crankshaft Pulley

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Belts, Hoses, Pulleys

Drive Belt Auto Tensioner Inspection
WARNING: A hot engine can cause severe burns. Turn off the engine and wait until it is cool before servicing. CAUTION: If the rubber part of the drive belt auto tensioner is d ...

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Rear Drive Shaft Disassembly/Assembly
1. Disassemble in the order indicated in the table. 2. Assemble in the reverse order of disassembly. 1 Boot band (differential side) (See Boot Band (Differential Side) Disassembly Note.) (See Boot Band (Differential Side) Assembly Note.) 2 ...

Manual Air Conditioner Control System [Manual Air Conditioner]
Outline The climate control unit performs the following controls based on the signals from each switch/dial and the sensor. A/C compressor control Defroster control Block Diagram Outline of Control System Manual air conditioner has the follo ...

B Pillar Lower Trim Removal/Installation
1. Remove the front scuff plate.. 2. Remove the rear scuff plate.. 3. Partially peel back the seaming welt. 4. Take the shaded area shown in the figure, and pull the B-pillar lower trim in the direction of the arrow in the order of (1), (2) while detaching hooks A, pins B. 5. Take th ...

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