The oil cooler constantly maintains maximum ATF performance in the transaxle by maintaining an optimum ATF temperature which has the effect of achieving reduced fuel consumption.
The oil cooler performs the following operations according to the ATF temperature condition:
Heating function: Warms the ATF using the radiator coolant to promote an earlier increase in the ATF temperature when its temperature is low. As a result of the earlier temperature increase, the ATF viscosity decreases which reduces drag in the transaxle.
Cooling function: Cools the ATF using the radiator coolant to maintain optimum conditions and prevent ATF expansion and deterioration.
Front ABS Wheel Speed Sensor Removal/Installation
1. Remove the mudguard..
2. Remove in the order indicated in the table.
3. Install in the reverse order of removal.
4. After installation, verify that there is no twisting in the front ABS wheel-speed
Air Filter
The air filter removes pollen and dust in the intake air and purifies air
flowing into the cabin.
The air filter removes pollen and dust using a dust collecting filter.
The air filter is installed to the blower unit.
It ...
Fuel Gauge Sender Unit Inspection [Awd]
Fuel gauge sender unit (main)
For the fuel gauge sender unit removal/installation, refer to the fuel pump
removal/installation because the fuel gauge sender unit is integrated with the
fuel pump..
1. Verify that the resistance at fuel gauge sender unit (main) terminals D a ...